Saturday, March 24, 2012

Natural Health Solutions For Your Children

Growing up as a child there was a statement that was spoken to me that cannot be forgotten. When you live in the solutions, your problems will go away. You all kill me when you go to a doctor for a type of remedy or benefit. That event is the height of arrogance and hypocrisy, or maybe extreme ignorance. Perhaps you simply are brain washed from too many commercials and fake shows depicting that venue as one of health.

There was a great article recently published by Dr. Mercola sharing the exploits of Dr. Robert Rowen. Dr. Rowen is a graduate of one of the finest medical schools on the planet. He is more so known for introducing through legislation the first ever laws that protect a physician for using natural remedies. These are my words and paraphrased so may not be exactly correct and will link his article and video recently done down in the author box. His take on the drug companies is strict. When they knew that one of their drugs was dangerous and kept it on the market anyway, is called murder.

What is so very amazing to me is the absence of common sense when seeing a physician. When you see them come into the office you have been waiting and the nurse has likely already done most of the work checking you for symptoms. Now here comes the doctor with questions, not answers. They ask you what your symptoms are. Do they find out anything at all about you or your life? Are you ever asked about nutrition and diet and how much water you drink daily? How about what kind of water do you drink? Is it live or dead or worse, distilled? If your doctor asks you to try a new drug, you are being asked to promote unproven drugs with zero science behind it practices. Are you crazy?

The three or four minute office visit quickly wrapped up with a decision to write a prescription for a petrochemical pill called medicine that will repress your symptoms, not cure your problem is given and on to the next person. Dr. Rowen has spoken in front of thousands of medical doctors and each time pulls out a one hundred dollar bill and offers it to the audience to the first physician who can prove that drugs and medications of any kind can resolve any health issue. He still maintains possession of those original hundred bucks.

The three building blocks of health according to Dr. Rowen are nutrition, elimination of toxins, and stress. Many of you reading this may be living in a state of malnutrition. One of our kids success is they have never eaten fast food of any kind. We don't own or ever eat any food that has been in a microwave oven. The best was to think of that is eating radiated food. Does that even make sense to you? If you are the person who grabs a pastry with coffee and eats fast food then consumes a microwave dinner or goes out to eat, you are someone who needs help now. So may your kids. They are not fat and obese due to hereditary reasons; genetics do not work that way. Your children are obese because they eat at the same table or food you do.

Most Americans who are obese and fat are actually toxic. Your body is craving nutrients and since you are not giving it any, your body is storing everything you foolishly put into it. One step you can take now is starting to eat live food. Eating a vine ripened fruit or vegetable that is organic is the best place to start. Maybe it is time to go to your local farmers market. Start one if there isn't any nearby. Sadly I can say most Americans have never drunk live water. Non chlorinated water is a great start. There is a world wide website called find a spring you may use to locate this vital resource near you for free.

Many of you may not know that when you dump toxins often you feel worse before you feel better. Your body has been storing your toxins in your fat cells and when it begins to release these dangers, you feel the effects. Not to worry, your body that already has repaired itself many times knows how much of the toxins it can dump at a time. My suggestion is to remember how long it takes you to walk into the woods, is usually the same amount of time it takes to walk back out. If you have microwave mentality you are in for some challenges.

If you wish to review a free report or subscribe to natural health info then do not hesitate to contact us. Lifestyle is an interesting thing. Our family does not watch television. To me that is not lifestyle at all. Who knows, maybe that is another reason why we are so healthy? We are not sedentary people who sit in front of a box with zero activity and programming our thoughts and buying habits. We don't waste time and money in a something that sucks the life out of people.

Natural health is not only a choice for us, it is a lifestyle. Not being healthy is also a choice. It is our hopes to educate you to live a better life for you and your loved ones today.

Dr. Mike spent several years on the Board of a world natural health organization. His family lives the life he teaches and helps others do the same. His wife Shannon spent years assisting the executive director of research for the WHNO in protocols. She uses cleansing and nutrition as a cornerstone for her and her families health. For a free report on 7 steps to natural health subscribe today.

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Peliculas Online

A Dentist Is a Corridor to Oral Health

A dentist has an extremely important job. These professionals play a big role in people's lives, serving as the experts on oral health. That is why it is so beneficial for people to make sure they see one of these specialists at least once or twice every year. Some people either ignore or blatantly chose not to take this action. They may be embarrassed about the condition of their teeth and they don't want to feel as if they are being lectured. Then there are those who don't see a regular check-up as important. By doing this they could be putting their dental health in serious jeopardy.

One of the things a dental professional does is provide a thorough cleaning of their patient's teeth. Someone's when people brush and floss their teeth on their own; it's difficult to really get a good look at all of their teeth. When this happens, they may miss out on cleaning certain areas. A dentist has the proper instruments and tools necessary to get the job done properly and thoroughly.

These oral professionals can also help prevent future dental problems and issues. For instance, cavities usually start off small and gradually grow larger. Then, the teeth may eventually begin to rot. If a dentist is able to spot the cavity at its onset, they can help prevent their patient from having rotten or decaying teeth. This is why regular visits are vital. If someone is inconsistent in their dental visits or they frequently miss appointments, they won't be able to know for sure whether their teeth and gums are truly as healthy as they should be.

Along with helping to prevent oral issues, a dental specialist can also provide their patients with tips on how to better clean and properly take care of their teeth. This is extremely essential because it helps to make sure that people do their part to ensure their own health. Without the proper advice, they could make many mistakes that could cause them to become the main catalyst in their own dental demise.

Lastly, one of the main reasons it is vital to consult with a dentist is because they possess an expertise that the average person does not. Therefore, they are qualified to judge someone's dental health. They are also able to give a proper diagnosis. This is very important, because a wrong diagnosis could cause major problems. Imagine someone who obviously has a cavity, being told they are only experiencing tooth discoloration. Their issue most likely would not be dealt with correctly.

The job of a dentist is something that should be cherished and respected. Without them, many people would have rotten teeth and horrible breath among a host of other issues. Refusing to take advantage of their services will result in dental unhealthiness.

Have you experienced such dental issues as toothaches, persistent bad breath, yellowing teeth or gum problems? A local Tulsa dentist  can help. Find out more at

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The Allergist and You

An allergist is a physician that has specialized training in the treatment and diagnosis of asthma, allergic conditions, and immune system diseases. This doctor can treat patients with bee sting, medication, latex, and food allergies.

If you think that the medical problems that you are experiencing is due to an allergy, it is important to learn about the type of doctor that treats allergic problems, in addition to getting a proper diagnosis. An allergist is a medical doctor that treats those with allergic and immunologic diseases. This doctor has completed 4 years of college and 4 years of medical school, plus residency training in either pediatrics or internal medicine for 3 years. Next, the doctor must pass a tough examination to become board certified.

When the doctor becomes board certified, he or she may decide to get additional training in immunology or allergies for an additional two years called a fellowship. A board certified allergist is a person who has satisfactorily completed an additional exam indicating that they have competence in fields of immunology and allergies.

An allergist can offer treatment and medical advice in the management and evaluation of those with immune and asthma problems, as well as allergic conditions. This doctor has expertise in treating all kinds of asthma and allergic conditions and is able to interpret and perform allergy testing. They also are able to prescribe shots. A patient is usually referred by their primary care physician to the doctor, who diagnoses and treats conditions such as:

- Urticaria (hives)
- Atopic dermatitis (eczema)
- Chronic sinus infections
- Chronic cough
- Allergic eye diseases
- Asthma
- Allergic rhinitis
- Immune problems
- Bronchitis
- Frequent colds

Most allergies stem from a genetic connection or can come from a reaction to a person's environment. Coming into contact with substances such as certain foods, bug bites, dust mites, mold spores, medicine, and pet dander can trigger allergies. Some of the following are common reasons that may necessitate going to see a doctor.

- You have asthma that causes frequent symptoms that affect sleep, work, school etc.
- You experience recurrent skin rashes.
- You have an asthma attack that put you in the hospital.
- You or your child has moderate to severe eczema.
- You have a moderate to severe food allergy.
- Severe reactions to bee stings, mosquito bites, or ant bites.
- Recurrent allergic rhinitis symptoms that lead to recurrent sinus issues or affect your lifestyle.

If you are experiencing severe allergies and need to see a doctor, contact the offices of a reputable allergist that will provide you with the personalized attention and care you need. You can also see if walk-ins are welcome for those times when you need to see the doctor right away.

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Peliculas Online

Avoid Chronic Illness With Our Top 10 Healthy Lifestyle Tips

As a parent and breadwinner it is one of your first duties to both you and your family to stay physically healthy and avoid the long and ugly list of chronic illness that you could fall victim to, including cancer, heart attacks, organ failure, strokes etc.

Medical aids, life insurance and chronic illness cover might provide you with the financial protection you need but you will never be able to protect your family from the emotional and psychological trauma of a serious illness. I could share the terrifying true life experiences of affected families or list a string of statistics about how likely you are to suffer from some horrible disease before you turn 60. But I am not going to, because this article is about the positive. It is about the 10 simple things that you can do to stay healthy. For you, and your family.

1. Quit smoking and limit your alcohol intake
2. Exercise for at least 20 minutes three times a week
3. Drink lots of water and do not drink diet drinks or any other soft drinks except diluted, pure fruit juice
4. Avoid processed foods - eat your foods as close to their original state as possible. For example eat a bowl of oats for breakfast and not a sugar-laden breakfast cereal
5. Avoid saturated fats - these are the fats found mainly in animal products: meat, dairy and eggs
6. Eat a variety of fruit and vegetable every day - preferably organic and only lightly cooked
7. Avoid red meat, rather eat lean chicken and fish
8. Avoid sugar and limit your intake of salt
9. Eat a lot of nuts, pulses, legumes and grains
10. Never skip breakfast and eat small regular meals.

Remember the food you eat can be your poison or your medicine - the choice is yours. With the right food choices good health is within your reach.

Good health is not about reaching your goal weight or building muscles at the gym. Good health is a way of life that we should teach our children by example. It is about giving our body the fuel it needs and then using that body, actively, every day. Good health is about being able to prevent illness. Good health supports an active mind, good focus and concentration. And lastly, a healthy body equals a happy mind, with the link between health, a sensible diet and good mood well documented.

Learn more about life insurance and chronic illness cover from life insurance provider 1Lifedirect.

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Peliculas Online

How Harmful Is EMF

In this modern day to truly be healthy it requires more than just exercising and eating right. The new kid on the block that is harmful to you is EMFs. Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) come from electricity lines, electricity wires, wireless devises such as cell (mobile) phones, cordless phones, and broadband. They have been linked to many different health issues such as leukemia, Alzheimer's disease and other degenerative diseases. When combined with a toxic metal it is thought to be linked with autism. The international agency for cancer research (of WHO) has classified EMFs as a possible carcinogen (cancer-causing agent). In the UK the government (SAGE) has advised that power lines are linked to childhood leukemia and that power lines should be placed underground not near houses. Electrical lines around a house reduce the effect of the electrical EMFs from power lines however glass windows don't. Therefore wire-mesh frames can be placed on the outside of the window and they should be earthed. However the magnetic fields of the EMFs can penetrate through any material.

To reduce your exposure from power lines:

The 4 cables are higher than the twisted 2 cables of the ABC typeGet electricity company to put them undergroundKeep windows closed, stay away from garden when wind blowingRestrict your use of mobile phones, cordless phones and computersKeep bed away from any devices (including clock radios and don't use an electric blanket, at lest turn it off when in bed if you do)EMFs produce free radicals therefore supplement with antioxidants such as vitamin A, E and C, eat lots of fresh green vegetables and fruit.

EMFs interfere with the immune system, cause miscarriages and ALS. Some people are so disabled they can't lead normal lives causing 'electro hypersensitivity' (ES).

Symptoms include:

MalaiseRun downFlu that never breaks outEye problems such as smarting, irritation, 'grit-in-the-eye' sensation, an aversion to light (photophobia)Skin problems such as irritation, warmth, itching, dryness and tinglingRashes and pustulesHeadacheFatigueLoss of concentration and short term memoryDepressionBreathlessnessExcessive thirstNumbness and weakness in the jointsFibromyalgiaAllergic reactionAnxietyInsomniaSeizuresParalysisStroke


Replace DECT phones with hard wired ones or get low-radiation DECT phones such as Orchid LR108Don't have DECT in the bedroomConnect your laptop to broadband cableGet rid of your microwaveUse protective devises on your mobile phone, cordless phone and laptopIf pregnant don't use mobile phones and reduce your EMF exposureWalk barefoot in the garden for 80 minutes as it helps eliminate the irritation caused by EMFs, it allows the excess charge in your body to discharge into the earth.

For Health and Wellbeing products or Nutrition and Health information go to her website

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Peliculas Online

Shoulder Surgery Provides Free Arm Movement

The shoulder is a very beneficial part of the body. Not only does it work as a middle-man to the neck and back, but it also has other benefits. One of the most noted is the fact that it allows people to move their arms. This part of the body is what gives everyone the ability to do certain exercises, brush their hair, participate in boxing matches and a myriad of other tasks that seem mundane. Because this body part is so important in everyday life, procedures such as shoulder surgery should not be neglected, when they are necessary of course.

There are many ways you can damage this area, such as playing sports. Some sports-related activities, like kickball and even soccer, don't put the same amount of stress on the shoulder as much as others do. Take baseball or softball, for example. Whether you are batting the ball, catching the ball in the outfield or serving as the pitcher, you are actively using your arms. The pitcher in particular, has a good chance of causing a great deal of damage if they are not careful.

Another possible cause for shoulder surgery would be if someone was involved in an accident. Not only could a bad car accident cause injury, falling off of a bike the wrong way could do just as much damage. For example, if someone is riding their bike down the street and they spot a dog. If their first feeling is fear, their first inclination would be to get away as fast as possible. Therefore, they wouldn't be paying as much attention as they should, causing them to ride right into a pothole. When this happens, they begin to hit the ground along with the bike. In an attempt to save themselves, they put their arm out. They come down hard on their arm and cause great damage to their shoulder area.

Sports and bike accidents aren't the only causes for the need for a shoulder surgery procedure. The regular wear and tear that comes with the aging process is another culprit. As people age, their joints and bones become weaker and more brittle. When this happens to body parts such as the shoulder, they are more prone to injury and pain.

All of the aforementioned occurrences are good examples of why procedures such as shoulder surgery are so important. The arms and shoulder work together to give people the freedom to do many activities. Without them, there would be do hugging, ability to hold babies or ability to reach up for a good stretch. Therefore, people should take all necessary precautions when it comes to preserving and treating this part of the body. If not, they could allow even more damage to be caused by their neglect.

After undergoing shoulder surgery Houston  athletes can regain full mobility and ability in their goals. Get more info at

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Peliculas Online

Shoulder Surgery Is a Necessary Procedure In Some Cases

Let's face it. No one really wants to go through surgery. Skipping out on or neglecting the importance of a procedure such as shoulder surgery, however, could cause horrible consequences.

For instance, take a lady who had been feeling pain in her shoulder area. Because she feared the worst, she tried to ignore it. So, instead of going in to see a specialist, she continued to deal with the issue as long as possible. However, it made her life extremely difficult. She could no longer use her arms as much as she used to. It started to become a hassle. She wasn't able to do her daily exercises or play with her grandchildren without experiencing great pain.

So, one day she decided that the pain was too much to bear, so she finally went in to see a physician. Before, she went in; however, she told herself she would not get shoulder surgery. She had heard so many horror stories about operation procedures from some of her friends, that she decided it would be too risky. Surely, there was another way, she thought.

As she sat in the waiting room she couldn't help but to hear the conversation going on at the receptionist's desk.

"So, Ms. Johnson how has that shoulder been doing," asked the receptionist.

"Oh, it is doing much better after that shoulder surgery," she said. "I was scared at first, but I'm glad I went through with it. I just hated the recovery process."

The receptionist looked up at Ms. Johnson compassionately.

"What do you mean?" she asked. "Was it painful?"

"Oh just a little, but it was all worth it."

The lady who was listening to the conversation, sat back in her seat and mumbled under her breath.

"See, she said it was painful," she mumbled. "I'm not getting that operation no matter what they say. There has to be another way."

When she finally made it in to see the doctor, he took x-rays and examined her shoulder area. Then, it seemed as if time stopped as she heard those 8 dreaded words.

"It looks like you will need shoulder surgery," said the doctor.

"This has to be a mistake," she said.

"No, I'm pretty sure of it," he said. "I have a great surgeon who I will refer you to. He does great work."

The lady looked up at the doctor in total disbelief.

"No, see you don't understand," she said. "I'm not getting surgery. Thank you for all of your help, but I think my time here is up."

She left the doctor's office, saddened and disgruntled.

A week or two later, she was in the kitchen cooking, when she felt a sharp pain at the top of her shoulder. Then all of a sudden the area became stiff and she couldn't move it at all. Disheartened and in severe pain, she sat down at her kitchen table and used her other arm to call and schedule her shoulder surgery appointment.

When you're considering remedying a long-term problem with shoulder surgery Houston  surgeons will walk you through the process to make you more comfortable before anything happens. Learn more at

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Orthotic Shoes for the Ultimate in Walking Comfort

Orthotic shoes are designed to provide therapeutic support and pain relief for all kinds of foot problems, ranging from flatfeet to plantar fasciitis, to more serious medical conditions such as diabetes.

Standard features such as low heels and wide toe boxes are basic to orthotic shoes, as are removable insoles. However, you will find that the leading orthotic shoes in today's market are designed with innovative, cutting edge technology that makes orthotic shoes an extension of the medical industry. The ability to insert devices such as foot splints for ankle injuries or bunions or some other foot problem means that these shoes become part of your on-going treatment and healing process.

In addition, you will be pleased to discover that the latest shoes manufactured for therapeutic needs are often very different from the clunky, boxy shoes from times past. No longer is there any need to be embarrassed about wearing orthotic shoes, even if you are a teenager or young adult who is self-conscious about your appearance. Today, the wide variety of orthotic shoes means that you can find ones that are as fashionable and stylish as "regular" shoes. The fact that they are shoes designed to help with foot problems is not always readily apparent.

More and more people who don't even have serious foot problems are choosing orthotic shoes because of their many features geared toward waking comfort and the overall well-being of their feet. No other part of our body receives the stress that our feet receive. Each foot and ankle contains 26 bones, which means that the two feet combined contain a quarter of all the bones in the human body. Also, each foot and ankle contains 33 joints as well as tendons, muscles, ligaments, nerves, and blood vessels. The field of alternative medicine with its sub-field of foot reflexology has long recognized the vitally important role our feet play in health and vitality of our whole being. The growth of conventional medicine's awareness of this connection bodes well for the future of society's overall health.

For over 20 years, a leading manufacturer of therapeutic shoes has been Orthofeet Shoes. Shoes by Orthofeet have been designed by bio-mechanical engineers to ensure your optimal comfort and satisfaction with styling. Every pair of shoes made by Orthofeet has been approved by Medicare and meets the requirements of the Diabetic Shoe Bill. Of course, this does not mean that Orthofeet shoes are only for diabetics! Whatever your foot problem, you will find that this outstanding brand of therapeutic shoes for men and women provides you with the greatest relief from foot pain any shoe can offer.

Another outstanding manufacturer of therapeutic and medical shoes is Drew Shoe. Drew shoes are long-standing favorites of men and women experiencing a wide spectrum of foot problems. Whether you are looking for casual shoes for women that can compete with any others for fashion and style, or for heavy men's shoes to be be worn for extended times outdoors, you'll find the type and size you want when you shop for a Drew Shoe.

Take a close look at Orthofeet Shoes and Drew Shoes. A purchase of a pair of orthotic shoes from Orthofeet or Drew will make walking comfort a reality for you.

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Peliculas Online

Friday, March 23, 2012

Finding Out About the Best Fat Burners

A lot of people who want to lose weight want to find an easy way to do it. Perhaps it has a lot to do with the way these days almost everything can be done in an instant. Even food can be instant. However, the most effective and the most long lasting best fat burners are those that actually involve hard work and discipline. If you are interested in knowing how to have weight loss results that will last, here are some best fat burners that you might want to know of and include in your daily routine.

Sweat some

The first one if the best fat burner that I will be mentioning here is exercise. I am aware that not too many people actually like this one, but if you do want to have lasting results, you have got to include this in your daily routine. Make it a habit to sweat some. Do not let a day pass without jogging for some time or going to the gym.

Exercise is one of the best fat burners you burn your calories very effectively. Also, this is one of the ways by which your muscles and your skin can be tightened. Dieting is not enough. If you want to have a tight and firm body, you need to get up out of the couch and exercise. However, you also should not push yourself too hard when you do this. Take it slow and gradually build momentum to avoid any unpleasant experiences like fainting while exercising or feeling dizzy.

Drink up a lot of water

This is among the best fat burners. But it will not actually burn fat. What it can do is it can lessen your fat intake so that you would not need to burn so much. How can this be done? It is very simple. You do not even need to sweat this part and it will not cost so much as a dime. All you have to do is drink up a glass of water every before you eat your meal. This will help you feel full already so your food craving would decrease and you would not eat so much. Also, drinking a lot of water can cleanse you body of toxins and other wastes so that you are always refreshed. Because of its cleansing properties, it can do wonders for your skin too. A lot of people who are trying to lose weight are too concerned about becoming thin that they forget that how their skin looks like matters as well.

Slimming pills

Have you ever tried taking slimming pills as the best fat burners? Some are actually very effective and give positive results. Taking the best slimming pill to lose weight can help you if you want to lose weight. For this, though, you will need to find the best slimming pills to lose weight so that you can ensure your safety and the effectiveness of the product.

Gary Bordelone shares how taking some of the best fat burners can truly work. He also has some helpful information for us about some reviews such as how phen375 works.

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Peliculas Online

Like a lot of inventions over the years the invention of the vacuum cleaner is also surrounded with great debate as to who came up with the first vacuum cleaner. We have to go as far back as the 1800's to try and understand what people had in their homes and how they went about cleaning.

Firstly we can trace one of the earliest and better known devices back to 1860 when David Hess came up with a way to solve a problem which housewives were having at the time. In those days people used rugs on the bare wooden floors to try and keep the dust down to a minimum. Of course all the dust remained on the rug and the only way off was to hang the rug and whack it with a stick. Shortly after came the rug-beater, which resembled a tennis racket.

However, it was only David Hess who thought there must be an easier way to do the rug cleaning and he came up with a Carpet Sweeper which had a rotating brush with a bellows system which provided the suction. Is or was this a 'vacuum cleaner'? The machine also consisted of two water chambers which collected the fine dust and particles. The only problem with this invention is that there is no proof it was ever produced.

Then along came Melville Bissell, who's surname will sound familiar if you know your vacuum cleaners, who also came up with a carpet sweeper that picked up dirt and deposited it in a pan behind the sweeper head.

But it wasn't until 1899, when what can be described as the first 'motorized' cleaner, was invented by John Thurman and it was another few years before Hubert Booth of London came up with the first electric vacuum. The only problem was that the vacuum was so big it was stored on the back of a

trailer outside the house and a very long hose was run inside to do the cleaning.

As time went by more and more inventors had a go at coming up with the ultimate cleaner and one which could be used in the home without much fuss and was portable. Then along came James Spangler in 1908 with the first portable suction cleaner. This cleaner proved to be extremely popular and

for some reason he sold the patent to William Hoover. Yes, the man who's name has become synonymous with house cleaning. The fact that the Hoover name stuck was a testament to how good and popular the early cleaners were and now nearly 100 years later the vacuum cleaner can still be best

described a clunky, noisy piece of hardware. Although innovative designs such as the Dyson and the next generation robotic Roomba are starting to give us some idea of what we can expect of 21st century vacuum cleaners.

Whoever is responsible for the invention of the vacuum cleaner, of which I believe there are many, would be proud to know that the principles of their early day designs still remain in vacuumcleaners in millions of homes around the world.